Wednesday, June 27, 2012


As the owner of "The Art of Brave" by Disney * Pixar I got inspired by the beautiful pencil drawings by Steve Pilcher. So I decided to practice my pencil skills. The outcome is a beginning. I still have to do more learning, practicing and practicing and learning. And I cheated with Photoshop to create more depth :p

Sunday, June 24, 2012


A friend asked me to make a logo for the day-care-center she works in. A few things were predetermined, such as the cross and 3 little birds. I also had a picture of the bird, which I adapted and improved. The final and approved one is above, accompanied by some earlier variations.

final logo

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Zoo

Last weekend I went to the Zoo with my family. It was the first time for my little niece. Poor girl suffered a bit from stimulus satiation... Whereas I had my sketchbook with me and suffered from lazyness. At least it resulted in one useful page ;-P

I especially put effort in the flamingos, as you can see ;)

This special animal is a peal.Or a sug. A crazy crossover anyway.