Thursday, April 14, 2011


The TV was running in the background. When I had a glimpse I saw a small, slimy chameleon-baby for the first time, climbing on a tree. So I made a little black one, because normally they are really colorful.
And when I was reading a friend's manga today, about a devilish butler, I wanted to draw a little devilboy.
The tree on the right side is a  possible sketch for a Japanese Restaurant in Mayence. It's supposed to be a cherry tree, so it needs lots of refinement! I was primarily searching for a way of blending it in.
As it seems I am living in the future for I wrote the wrong date in the corner :-P

1 comment:

  1. ich mag das Chamäleon seeeeehr gern. :D
    hab mir neulich angefangen eine Geschichte um einen knallbunten Spatzen auszudenken (ist nix draus geworden), das ist ja geradezu das Invertierte davon :D

    der Devilboy ist süß und ich mag die detaillierte Kuliarbeit, but he's a bubblehead.
